Hello bbPress community, I am currently building a theme for my website (started with the underscores theme) that uses bbPress and I’ve hit a snag. So, as per the bbPress codex here on enabling the visual editor, I have that enabled. I also hid the tabs to switch between the visual editor and the html editor (just using css display:none) since I only want my users to access the visual editor. Ok, that works fine. Now I need to style the visual editor.
So how would I go about styling the tinymce editor? I would like to change the font family and add some styling to the block quotes so they match everything else.
Looking at the code via the chrome dev tools it looks like the tinymce editor loads its own style sheets inside the tinymce form. I’m not sure how to override them.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me figure this out. This is my last major thing I think I need to do before I can call my theme done and move it from my local dev environment to my staging server and start building out all my content.