I’ve been playing around with the theme lately. I can’t seem to figure out how to make the promotion bar and showcase text show up. What are the required conditions for these items to be displayed?
You just mark posts or pages with clicking stars on edit panels:
If you are using full content layout, promotionbar should be set for Before Content or In Site Footer. Its set in In top of Sidebar as default.
Also the posts loop could still use some work imo, especially on wide sites:
There’s way too much empty space below that title. I’m gonna suggest some mockups.
This is why i love Responsive design: http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/scaffolding.html#responsive
You can change loop with
/* Large desktop */ @media (min-width: 1200px) { ... }
If you ask me, its not bad looking tbh. Its clean but if you can explain me how it can be better for large desktops with full content (long) layout, i can help you to accomplish that design.
Update: Maybe this is what you are looking for: Want responsive but not wide not for large screens?