Hi All,
Sorry if this has already been covered, if so just point me in the right direction.
Basically, I theming my bbPress and it’s all going great, except I need to do some work on the template-tag.php files found in ‘includes/users’, ‘includes/topics’ etc… and I obviously don’t want anything to be overwritten by updates…
I already have the template-tags file working fine in my theme’s ‘includes/common’ folder, but just can seem to get the system to actually see that I’m using other folders.
Do I need to declare the folder structure somewhere? What is it that I’m missing…?
I’m using the latest live versions of bbPress and WP and the folder structure I’m using is:
themes >
mytheme > bbpress-functions.php
bbress > loads of very well named template php files
includes >
common > gets seen just fine…
users > nothing working from here.
topics > ditto…
Many thanks for any pushes in the right direction…