For future readers, I was able to accomplish the redirect with this simple line of code:
add_filter( 'bbp_pre_get_user_profile_url', function() {
return get_bloginfo('url').'/profile';
Very simple, really!
You can also change the default url for favorites and subscriptions by doing this:
// Replace the default link for the favorites
add_filter( 'bbp_get_favorites_permalink', function() {
return get_bloginfo('url').'/profile/forum-favorites';
// Replace the default link for subscriptions
add_filter( 'bbp_get_subscriptions_permalink', function() {
return get_bloginfo('url').'/profile/forum-subscriptions';
Of course, if you’re using pre PHP 5.3.1 (or are developing a plugin) you’ll need to create actual functions rather than using anonymous functions.