Reply To: Custom sort replies in a topic
Hi Steven, It sounds like you implemented something I’d like to have too for my bbPress forums. Please let me know if you’re interested in helping me to implement this on my website. Many thanks in...
View ArticleReply To: Adding Topics to Forum Root
I think the info in the following topic should help
View ArticleModify "New Post" Form
Site: WP Version: 3.8 bbPress Version: 2.5.2 I would like to modify the new post form that displays below the current topics in a forum. I was trying to do it...
View ArticleReply To: Modify "New Post" Form
bbPress might not have many settings but it does have this one Topic Tags This will disable topic tags site wide and will no longer show topic...
View ArticleReply To: Modify "New Post" Form
I can’t believe I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out! I was hoping to learn a way to manipulate those <p> tags anyway so I could make the whole form for admin users more compact (like the...
View ArticleReply To: Modify "New Post" Form
You could add some custom code with a filter before and after the tags section and apply some custom CSS rules using: bbp_theme_before_topic_form_tags & bbp_theme_after_topic_form_tags Or make a...
View ArticleReply To: Forum Icons ?
That example I used was using the Glyphicons Font Probably taking a look at this will give you a rundown on what you can use in CSS with before, after & content
View ArticleReply To: Widget area above topics
If you want widgets above your topic list you will need a theme that supports putting a sidebar at the top of your page, otherwise will one of the shortcodes work?
View ArticleReply To: layout changes
I want a layout like PHPBB or SMF, that means forums list on the top not left side.
View ArticleReply To: Forums index in the same layout as other bb software
@kaliceos you sir are a legend
View ArticleHow to Create a Child Theme for the purpose of modifying bbPress
The codex page for this is outdated and a lot of the threads are for older versions so here is a version for WP 3.8, bbPress 2.5.2. Resources Here are the pages from which I pieced this together....
View ArticleReply To: How to Create a Child Theme for the purpose of modifying bbPress
Thanks for this Any chance you’d be able to update the codex so it isn’t out of date? (You login with your normal...
View ArticleReply To: How to Create a Child Theme for the purpose of modifying bbPress
Thanks, I didn’t realize I could do that. I’ve only been using bbPress for about a week so I’m not sure I’m an authority. I spent the morning working it out and figured I could save someone else the...
View ArticleReply To: How to Create a Child Theme for the purpose of modifying bbPress
I should also add that I’m not 100% certain this is correct. It works for the CSS files but it doesn’t seem to pick up the php files in ../wp-content/themes/yourchildtheme/bbpress/bbpress. It works if...
View ArticleReply To: Forums index in the same layout as other bb software
Thanks! Worked like a charm and looks fantastic. Exactly what I needed. You have saved me much hair pulling and banging of head on desk.
View ArticleReply To: How to Create a Child Theme for the purpose of modifying bbPress
The bbPress templates should be in /wp-content/themes/yourchildtheme/bbpress/
View ArticleTrying to change standard layout to full width layout for forums page
Hello all! I am working on this site now and cannot figure out how to have the forums appear in the full width 1 column template not the standard 2 column...
View ArticleReply To: Trying to change standard layout to full width layout for forums page
Depending on what is available in the theme you are using, you can change this in the dashboard Appearance> Customize > Appearance tab to full width. However, this setting also applies to posts....
View ArticleReply To: Trying to change standard layout to full width layout for forums page
You can also make a copy of your themes page.php file (or page-no-sidebar.php) and rename this file to bbpress.php and your forums will now use that same template giving you a full width forum.
View ArticleReply To: I have created a bbPress starter theme with a phpBB look and feel
Can this bbpress Layout still be used?…or would there be issues with latest version of bbpress & wordpress? Please reply…thanks.
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